Our team has a proud history of providing medical services through experts internationally recognized for their skills and experience at the highest levels of sports medicine and orthopedic care. We are one of the top Sports Injury clinics in Dubai providing sports Medicine, sports therapy, sports physiotherapy, sports rehabilitation, Football Rehabilitation, and orthopedic surgeons in Dubai.
The Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department at FIFA Medical Center of Excellence-Dubai is dedicated to tailoring for each patient a comprehensive range of services and exercises. Our services include: Musculoskeletal, Bio-mechanical, Biochemical, Neuro-muscular, Postural, and Functional assessments but also provide; Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Rehabilitation, Return to play phase, Prevention programs, Optimal Recovery methods, Specific Sport training
We develop full rehabilitation programs to ensure a complete athlete's recovery. Our individual programs are based on: Postural imbalance, Musculoskeletal and myofascial conditions, Strength weakness and imbalance, Flexibility and mobility, Coordination, Back assessment, Dynamic reinforcement, Neuromuscular system, Gait analysis, Cognitive and motor skills, Cardiovascular level, and body composition.
FIFA Medical Center of Excellence-Dubai is represented by an international team of specialists :
- Sports Physicians
- Orthopedic Surgeons
- Physiotherapists
- Sports Scientists
- Cardiologist
- Ophthalmologist
- Otorhinolaryngologist
- Neurologist
- Dentist
- Sport nutritionist
- Radiologist

Dr. Frederic Khiami (Professor)
Sports Medicine
Sports Surgery
Orthopedic Surgeon, Pr. MD View Profile Book an Appointment

Dr. Reboul Gilles
Sports Medicine
International Sports Hernia Surgeon View Profile Book an Appointment